Friday, December 14, 2012

Sandy Hook Elementary

As most of Americans today, I have watched all the coverage of Sandy Hook Elementary School and even the 2 hour drive to the country,  I listened to the coverage via Satellite Radio, completely fixated on the horrific act that was committed against all of these children and educators.  Physically, emotionally, sympathetically, em-pathetically feel the pain and am in raw shock of this unthinkable act.

Personally, I know the pain that the victims families are feeling due to my loved ones multiple trauma's and loss of my brother at the tender age of 14.  However, we know the loss at the mercy of an accident, but to lose someone to a murder brings on a whole other layer of emotions.  I cannot even fathom the feelings going through these families and most importantly the days/weeks/months to come. When the grieving process starts and the silent realization that life will never be the same again, it makes me physically ill to know these families are going to feel the depth of sadness that is to come.

We, as our parents & grandparents before us, take our children to school and drop them off with complete security that they are in a safe haven.  The thought of their innocence with complete trust and guards down from "stranger danger" because they are in a safe happy place and the unthinkable  happens, this evil person comes in rips it all away from's just ....there aren't enough appropriate words to describe this horrific act.

Right now is not the time to debate about gun laws or security protocol  this is the time to respect the magnitude of this horrible tragedy and to honor the victims, to support the families that lost their loved ones, and lift up the rest of the families of Sandy Hook Elementary that are holding their children tonight but still have to deal with the aftershock.

All we can do at the end of each day is hug our babies tight, do our best to protect them, and have faith that they will be safe out of our care.  I am so overwhelmed by personal emotions that to elaborate more is not necessary.  God bless all the families, teachers, emergency personnel, & the educators that have to go on with life at Sandy Hook Elementary.



  1. Well spoken as always. (BIG HUGS)

  2. Thank you, just so tragic, heartbreaking and the holiday season....
